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World War Z the pg 13 rewrite!! – spoiler warning

World War Z the pg 13 rewrite!!

(See film before reading.) To change tracks and get out of the heat I went to the a movie. The big reason I go to this one is is that the son of Mel Brooks wrote a zombie movie. But I should have done more research into the film. It turns out screen writers have torn the original ideas apart and made the story in their own image. Heres the screen rant report a year ago. The Oral history of the zombie war is a flashback narrative. I have not read the book but those that have made a list of differences between the movie and the book in this link. The story would have been better told if they had not used the spaz cam as an effect throughout the tale . Bounce cam ruins action in the shot and removes any ability to focus on character or scene. World events are seen through the main character as they happen.He studys zombie pathology and finds a method of neutralizing their senses. It was a fun ride but why did you rewrite the book to death? Heres some frontline information about Pitt arguing with the director. Main site In the end we are left helplessly watching as another story is infected by the hollywood know it alls . It drools and bites at the scent in the wind of its original self. Its dead eyes witness the landscape as a trash heap of broken memories of what could have been.

June 24, 2013 Posted by | Everything Else | , , , | Leave a comment